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Once you've purchased admission tickets, why not return to our ticket office for some show class entry tickets?

Take to the show ring, for a chance of your dog winning a special rosette in our fun comicon themed classes.

There'll be gorgeous 18inch two tier rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th in each class!

Our Best in Show winner will win a gorgeous huge rosette, trophy, large bag of dog food.
Our reserve best in show rr will take home a massive rosette, and a large bag of dog food

☆ Superman
Open to all male Dachshunds & Dachshund crosses, any age, coat or colour, any size.
No training or experience required to take part
Gorgeous 18inch rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th

Wonder Woman
A fun show class for all female Dachshund & Dachshund crosses
Any age, any colour, any size
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

Jack JackAttack
A fun show class for or all Dachshund and Dachshund cross puppies.
Dogs up to 12 months old, Male or Female.

Any age, any colour, any coat, any size
Large rosettes 1st to 10th!

Our smooth coat class, for Dachshund & Dachshund crosses with a short smooth coat.
Male or female, any size, any age.
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

A fun class for long coats and wire coated
Dachshund & Dachshund crosses.
Male or Female, any size, any age.
18inch two tier rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th.

Cyclops: Most appealing eyes
Open to Dachshund & Dachshund crosses

Male or female, any age, any colour, any coat, any size.
Large rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th.

Batman & Robin: Best Buddies
Two dogs who are best buds, who can be related or not.
Open to Dachshund & Dachshund crosses.
Male or female, any age, any colour any coat.

Please purchase ONE entry ticket per pair of dogs
Large rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

Jokers: waggiest tail
Entries open to Dachshund and Dachshund crosses
Male or female, any age, any colour any coat.
Our judge will be looking for the dog with the waggiest tail.

Beautiful large rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th

Xavier's Choice: Judges Keeper
Our judge will be selecting the top 10 dog that theyd like to keep.
Entries open to any Dachshund or Dachshund cross
Male or female, any age, any colour, any coat.
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

Ewoks: Mini's
A fun show class for Miniture Dachshund and small Dachshund crosses.
Male or female, any age, any colour, any coat.
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

Hulks: Standards
A fun show class for Standard Dachshunds and larger Dachshund crosses.
Male or female, any age, any colour, any coat.
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

Rogue: Noisiest Dog
If your dog likes to speak, sing or bark, this fun show class is for you!
Show our judge how vocal your dog likes to be, for a chance if winning a rosette.
Entries open to all Dachshund and Dachshund crosses.
Male or female, any age, any colour, any coat.
​Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th!

Avengers: Dachshunds & Friends
A fun show class open to Any Dachshund, Dachshund cross, or small friends of Dachshunds joining us for the day!
​Male or female, any age, any colour any coat.
No one likes to be left at home, we are aware that people travel from all over the uk to attend DachundTown festival, many staying in hotels.
​If youre attending and bringing a small non Dachshund with you, they are welcome to take part in this class, please prebook an entry ticket.
Rosettes for winning dogs placed 1st to 10th




fun contests!

☆ Sausage Slalom!
Brand New for 2019Grab an entry ticket to join the fun.
We will place all participants into 2 large teams.
Weave in and out of the fun sausage flags in record time to win!


1: Take your turn and place with your Dachshund or Dachshund cross on the starting line (all dogs remain on short leads throughout the race)

2: Ready Steady Go!
One racer from each team leave the starting line!
Weave your way in and out of our sausage flag markers as you race down your line and back.

3: First team of dogs to reach the end wins.
Each member of the winning team take home a winners rosette!

Entry is strictly by prebooked ticket only
Tickets available at

Please ensure that you have purchased festival admission tickets prior to purchasing entry tickets for fun races, show classes, contests or the pageant

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